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Showing news items with tag "
Community News
English conversation group starting up
9th September 2019
An English conversation group has started up at the Valley Project community rooms The group is an informal gathering where those who are learning to speak English can come along and talk with native English speakers. Group facilitator Carolyn Rogers says it is not a group to provide lessons or tutoring. “It is going to be a relaxed way to practise English and make some new friends.” Carolyn recently returned from teaching in Abudabi, and after trying to learn another language herself she understands how challenging it can be: “I tried to learn Arabic in six years, but it …
Stag roarer to keep control
9th September 2019
The largest and liveliest Dunedin City Council candidates meetings are on again at Opoho Church. This is the chance to hear from the candidates to help decide whom to rank highly or, perhaps more importantly, whom to place low on the list. The meetings will again be chaired by Philip Somerville, silly hats and all, and the stag roarer will be on hand to cut off any who dare to try to go over time. It’s, mostly, those with surnames M to Z on Sunday 15 September, and A to L on Monday 16 September. The meetings are 7–9pm …
Lens focused on broken things
4th September 2019
Broken things, discarded and free objects on the side of the road and buildings in various states of disrepair have all been the focus of local resident Hayley Walmsley’s lens. She has snapped over 4000 images, mostly on walks to and from school or while out doing errands. The project, titled Suzie No Friends, was undertaken for her master’s of visual arts at Otago Polytechnic, and her work will be on public display until Friday 6 September. North East Valley and north Dunedin feature heavily among the images, but Hayley also visited places as far away as Waimate, Oamaru …
Time to spring into action
3rd September 2019
The annual great Valley Spring Clean is coming up on Saturday 21 September from 11am-3pm. If you’re in the mood for a clear out but want to ensure you’re being responsible with what you no longer need, then the Spring Clean is for you. This year, with support from Dunedin City Council, we are going bigger and better, especially in avoiding sending items to landfill. We’ll have a team of dedicated volunteers assessing and diverting as much as possible away from the skip. The Te Rōopū Mānaaki class from North East Valley Normal School will be running a clothes …
Adjo combines food, coffee & art
2nd September 2019
The owners of North East Valley’s newest café, Adjo, have combined their two passions to create a new space where art, coffee and food meet. Caitlin Holloway says she has known for a while that her interest lay in hospitality; her partner Jonas Jessen Hansen is an artist who has developed an interest in curating and what happens behind the scenes of art exhibitions. The couple are focusing first on getting the café up and running, then plan to feature new exhibiting artists every 3–4 weeks. The café serves Danish food and features Danish-style porridge and smørrebrød , …
Tiger, crane and dragon: Kung Fu in the valley
19th August 2019
The Dunedin group of the Kung Fu School holds classes twice a week in North East Valley and new members from ages seven through to adults are always welcome. Instructor Kenneth Mitchell says the classes cover fitness, discipline and self defence. Kung fu covers a large array of topics including joint manipulation, takedowns, weapon styles, animal styles and more. Children’s classes are for ages 7–12 years and are a lot of fun, says Kenneth. The children are always very enthusiastic and enjoy learning the animal-related styles such as tiger, crane, snake and dragon. The classes for 13 years and …
Chill out space in dark den
19th August 2019
A ‘dark den’ which gives children a space to chill out in a busy world has been a popular new addition to the Dunedin City Toy Library’s toy stock. Thanks to a Foodstuffs Community Grant the toy library has added a range of new toys which are good for children with different physical, social, emotional or developmental needs. Toy library chairwoman Jennifer Lawn says during an annual stocktake they realized they didn’t have many options for children with different developmental needs, such as children with autistic spectrum disorders. The new toys help stimulate cognitive, sensory and social-emotional development …
Big snow of '39 grinds city to halt
19th August 2019
As August rolls around with only the merest sprinkling of snow gracing our peaks this winter, we will have to make do with a story about snow, instead of the real thing. We’re going back 80 years to the worst snow storm of the 20th century – the Big Snow of July 1939 – when a series of freezing southerlies swept snow over the entire country. Even a very surprised lighthouse keeper at Cape Maria van Diemen at the top of the North Island reported snowflakes flying past his window! But the worst hit was coastal Otago. Flakes …
Grant will benefit community
19th August 2019
A $25,000 grant for the Valley Project from the Otago Community Trust will help with many community initiatives such as Kai Share, the HeatSeekers drop-in clinics and CreekFest. Kai Share is a weekly food box programme, which distributes food from KiwiHarvest to local families and people in need. The HeatSeekers: Healthy Homes in the Valley weekly drop-in clinics aim to give people the information and help they need to create a warmer, drier and healthier home. CreekFest is an annual the community festival and educational event that celebrates Lindsay Creek. Valley Project manager Tess Trotter says the funding is …
Sign changes for Baldwin Street
13th August 2019
Baldwin Street residents will be asked for their opinions about changing the street signage from ‘the Steepest Street in the World’ to ‘the World’s Steepest City Street.' The steepest street in the world title has been stripped from the North East Valley street after Ffordd Pen Llech, a street in the North Wales town of Harlech was deemed to be steeper. The Welsh rival is not a dual carriageway road but pipped Baldwin St over a 10m section. Dunedin City Council communication and marketing manager Graham McKerracher says the council has been asked to take down the steepest street …
Make your own pelmets
22nd July 2019
Want to get warmer in your home? Did you know that 20–30% of your home’s heat can be lost through your windows? Come along to a free workshop on DIY pelmets and go home with a simple solution to help insulate your windows better. Good curtains that fit well and pelmets will help improve heat retention and reduce energy costs. Fitted pelmets reduce heat loss above windows and can be made of any material as long as it creates an air barrier. Pelmets only need to be against the wall and reach to or past the curtain – they …
Diesel spill 'extremely upsetting'
22nd July 2019
A diesel leak into Lindsay Creek suspected to be coming from a community-owned workspace has been distressing for community members and the Valley Project executive board as they work to deal with and rectify the situation. The diesel seeping into the creek is assumed to be coming from recently-discovered underground tanks beneath the Valley Community Workspace at 11 Allen Street. The Valley Project, which owns the community workspace building, was first notified about the leak on 9 July. The chairperson, Ian Telfer, reported the leak to the Otago Regional Council pollution hotline and council staff visited the site later …