Ko Kapukataumahaka te māunga
Ko Lindsay te awa
Ko Tākitimute waka
Ko Wharetutu Newton tōku tīpuna
Ko Ngāi Tahu tōku iwi
Ko Te Rūnanga o Awarua tōku hapū
Ko Te Rau Aroha tōku marae
Nō taiari ahau
Ko Braden rāua ko Kathyrn ōku mātua
Ko Hemi tōku ingoa
James has been involved since 2020 on the Executive. He is passionate about the community and community helping each other. James is extremely passionate about the change community can make when we collaborate, listen and create together.
James is passionate about moving the Project forward and works incredible hard to future proof the Project for its next generation to take the reins of the helm.
With significant involvement in the Ōtepoti community, he is also passionate about mental health, sustainable innovation, and our history. James currently sits on 5 other boards around the city. He brings a wealth of governance to the team, he was proud to lead the reset of the Project's structure coming out of COVID, to better address the community and it's changing needs.
James who joined the exec while he was at Otago University, where he studied a Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Management and Politics. He has held the position of Secretary before stepping into the Chair's role in mid 2022.
James who is of Kai Tahu decent is excited to see the Project and its team members move towards a more Tiriti centric workplace, through collaboration with other organsations and especially Puketeraki.
James currently works in rural policy and suicide prevention.
If you would like to raise any issues with our Chair please don't hesitate to get in contact with him.