
Valley Project Executive Committee

Our Executive Committee is made up of community members who volunteer their time to manage the governance of the Valley Project.

​The committee meets monthly.

Agendas and minutes of their meetings are available to view in the Valley Project office.

AGM minutes and documents are here on the website.

Meet our wonderful team of exec members. 

James Sutherland


Ko Kapukataumahaka te māunga
Ko Lindsay te awa
Ko Tākitimute waka 
Ko Wharetutu Newton tōku tīpuna 
Ko Ngāi Tahu tōku iwi
Ko Te Rūnanga o Awarua tōku hapū
Ko Te Rau Aroha tōku marae 
Nō taiari ahau
Ko Braden rāua ko Kathyrn ōku mātua 
Ko Hemi tōku ingoa


James has been involved since 2020 on the Executive. He is passionate about the community and community helping each other. James is extremely passionate about the change community can make when we collaborate, listen and create together.

James is passionate about moving the Project forward and works incredible hard to future proof the Project for its next generation to take the reins of the helm. 

With significant involvement in the Ōtepoti community, he is also passionate about mental health, sustainable innovation, and our history. James currently sits on 5 other boards around the city. He brings a wealth of governance to the team, he was proud to lead the reset of the Project's structure coming out of COVID, to better address the community and it's changing needs.

James who joined the exec while he was at Otago University, where he studied a Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Management and Politics. He has held the position of Secretary before stepping into the Chair's role in mid 2022. 

James who is of Kai Tahu decent is excited to see the Project and its team members move towards a more Tiriti centric workplace, through collaboration with other organsations and especially  Puketeraki.

James currently works in rural policy and suicide prevention. 

If you would like to raise any issues with our Chair please don't hesitate to get in contact with him. 

Chris Aubin

Deputy Chair

We have lived in the Valley for 28 years with our children attending both NEV and DNI schools. Following studying at University of Otago I have owned and operated several businesses, residential housing portfolios, CEO of a regional sports body and am currently General Manager of architectural design and steel frame housing manufacturing companies. I have long experience with the management of Not For Profit Organisations from both operational and governance positions. I have a love and passion for The Valley and admire the efforts made by the many volunteers over the years who have made it the place it is. I hope to contribute a little back by way of this role with the VP.

Marc Schallenberg


Wow! What a crazy, disorienting time we’ve been living in during the past few years. Where can we turn to build more trust, to build more resilience, to find more meaning in life during these unsettled times? Earlier this year, I found myself asking this question on a regular basis. The answer that came to me was, “Help to build your community.” 
I’ve been living in Dalmore for the past 21 years and had been keeping an eye on the great work that the Valley Project was doing, but I didn’t get involved due to time constraints. Now that I have a bit more time, I’ve decided to get involved. I’m happy to be a new member of the Executive of the Valley Project (the new Treasurer) and to help build the resilience of our great community and to help create opportunities for people to meet and work together for the common good. 
I am a freshwater scientist, based at the University of Otago. Using my freshwater expertise, I’ve worked with many community groups to help improve water quality and aquatic ecosystem integrity. I’ve found that working with community groups has been very rewarding – a win-win situation! 
I’ve previously had governance roles as Chairperson and Treasurer of a school board and as the President of the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society. I’m also currently the new Secretary of the North Dunedin Shed Society, a great project based at Bonnington Street that has been doing lots of work for the community, including the Valley Project. 
So, I’m excited to be on the Valley Project Executive team. I’m impressed with the calibre of both the people on the Exec and with the Valley Project’s hard-working and committed staff. I really look forward to serving my community and to working with some old friends and many new faces.

Becks New


Rhada Forrest

Exec Member

Kia ora, my name is Radha and I am continuing on the board this term. I have been involved with The Valley Project for a number of years, starting as a volunteer receptionist and volunteering with various projects, to then joining the board for four years. The valley is a wonderful place to live and work and I have enjoyed seeing the project grow, change and adapt over the last few years. I am enthusiastic about where The Valley Project is headed and look forward to continuing my Valley Project journey in supporting our vibrant and well connected community. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, nature walks,  and trying to keep my houseplants alive. 

Julie Broderick

Exec Member

Hi! I am Julie Broderick – the new Owner Operator of New World Gardens (along with my husband Craig!) and are very excited about being part of the North East Valley Community. I have 3 children (Jess 15, James 14 and Michael 12). We have recently moved from South Otago where I was very involved in many organisations through the childrens schooling and sporting groups and also a Women in Business group that was set up. I have been on the South Otago Kindergarten Board for 10years, initially as a Parent Rep then a Community Rep where we added 2 further Kindergartens to our Portfolio during that time. What I hope to achieve on the Valley Project Exec is the provision of a connection to the Businesses within the area and to look at where we can assist and support this incredible organisation to ensure that the needs of our Community are met. A quirky fact about me is that I’ve been a Silver Service Waitress (many moons ago!) and served Prince Charles and Elton John at one of the events.

Inge Andrew

Exec Member

Kia ora. Ko Inge Andrew ahau. I have lived in Northern Otepoti for a big part of my life and value the close connections that I have made here. This is where my heart is, my tūrangawaewae. Over the last 20 years or so, I've studied and worked at the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic in educational roles and I now work at Aukaha as kairuruku (project co-ordinator) so my work life has also revolved around this place. My current role is in the environmental management area (working on behalf of Kaī Tahu) and I am passionate about place and our role as guardians. I've had experience on other boards such as the Fringe Arts Trust and joined the Valley Project late in 2023. I really admire the work that goes on in the Valley Project and look forward to being a small part of that mahi.

Dr. Kate McAnelly

Exec Member

Nō Kōtirana, Ikarahi, Aerana, Aerana ki te Raki, Huītene, Tenemāka, Pāniora me Te Whenua Moemoeā ōhoku tūpuna. 

Ko Three Bells tōhoku kaipuke.

Ko Mauka Atua kā tau mauka whakaruruhau.

Ko Taiari te awa o te takiwā.

I whānau mai me ake au ki Waihōpai.

Nō Ōtepoti tōhoku kaika ināianei.

Ko Kate McAnelly tōhoku ikoa.

Kia ora e te whānau o NEV!

My name's Kate McAnelly and it's my privilege to serve on the Valley Project's executive. My wee whānau and I have been residents of North East Valley since 2017, when we moved to Dunedin from Invercargill so I could undertake my PhD on campus at the University of Otago College of Education. Now we're well settled here and can think of no community better to continue to put down roots! I'm an early childhood teacher by profession and spent 7 wonderful years supporting the SPACE infant parenting support programme that runs at the Valley Baptist Community Centre, a real focal point of - and asset to - our community. However, I now work as a regional early childhood lecturer for the Open Polytechnic, as well as a professional learning and development facilitator for my own small not-for-profit early childhood kaupapa, Tūranga mō ngā Mokopuna. Since I joined the executive in mid 2024, I've really enjoyed the opportunity to contribute in a small way to the incredibly valuable mahi the Valley Project does in supporting and sustaining a resilient, connected community, and I look forward to continuing to do so in 2025 and beyond - especially with reference to learning more about what makes North East Valley such a great place to live, learn and play for our tamariki and rakatahi.

Nathan Parker

Exec Member and Valley Community Workspace Connection

Heather Vincent

Exec Member

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