Winter Warmer brings a community buzz to the Valley

Winter Warmer brings a community buzz to the Valley

26th July 2024
By Clare Heap, Volunteer Community Reporter for the Valley Project

On July 20th 2024 the Valley Baptist Community Centre buzzed with the Winter Warmer free market, an event attracting dozens of Dunedinites thrilled to share in the bounty on offer. 

The local neighbourhood, anxious to ensure everybody feels warm and nurtured through the colder months, donated generously so everybody arriving was greeted by tables laden with donations: cosy coats and versatile jackets, onesies and hand-knitted jumpers, every kind of sweatshirt and pants, all kinds of boots, shoes and good as new slippers - a bonanza of giveaway clothing inviting a thorough rumage. Eager volunteers were on hand to help with the thoughtful choices taking place at every table, some for personal use but also people intending to share with whanau. New migrants to the area were particularly excited by the winter treasures they found as they acclimatize to our challenging climate, a number expressing how grateful and welcome the event made them feel. And many were delighted to find delicious soup on offer too, with a chance to relax and catch up with existing and new friends at the shared tables.

Alongside the array of clothing, the Dunedin Banks of both Bedding and Curtains were on hand to distribute curtains of all dimensions plus an extensive and colourful selection of donated sheets, quilts, blankets and duvets. Janine, who coordinates donations of bedding from locals and hotels, has been operating for two years but said this was the first event of its kind that she'd participated in and enjoyed meeting people she could help directly. Fiona of Stitch Kitchen said it was a really neat community event and she welcomed the chance to spread the word and preview the services she offers. Amongst others, Uni students read of her attendance in the Valley Voice and had arrived with cherished items needing repair, very keen to take advantage of the instruction available. Energy Mate were also there to give advice on optimizing warmth inside our homes with Jo and Kesa also receiving a number of sign-ups for home visits. They also gave out many energy-saving lightbulbs to happy punters!

The words of one young family as they left "such a great idea, so kind of the community, and we loved the soup too. Thank you all very much" sum up the mood of the day so looks like this will be a fixture on the calendar again next year. See you all then!