Chambers Street 115 years on

Chambers Street 115 years on

6th October 2019
Chambers Street 115 years on

This month we explore how much has changed over 115 years on Chambers St in North East Valley.

The picture from 1904 shows a horse-drawn carriage coming down the street, while the shot from the same perspective today shows cars coming up and down the street.

While the cars aren't particularly interesting to look at now, in 100 years time they might be the most interesting part of the photo!

8 June 1904

This photo was published in the Otago Witness on 8 June 1904 and shows a horse-drawn wagon coming down Chambers St.

The caption on the photo reads: This new township was also, some two years ago, the site of Chinese gardens, and the rows of neat modern residences and fine wide street are evidence of the change which has been brought about in great measure by the advent of the electric trams.

Photo: Otago Witness, 8/6/1904, p.39, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago

October 2019

This photo was published in the Valley Voice in October 2019 in the 'Then & Now' monthly column.

It shows the same view of Chambers Street today.

It’s interesting how much it looks the same, apart from obvious changes over 155 years, like tarseal, higher housing density and more greenery.

The Methodist Church is still there but in a bigger, fancier brick building, and the ‘fine wide street’ has been narrowed by the many parked cars.

Photo: Edith Leigh