Fond farewell to international intern

Fond farewell to international intern

9th March 2020
Fond farewell to international intern

Marieke Rutgers joined the Valley Project team in the depths of Winter 2019. Having familiarised herself with the different ways kiwis have for coping with the climate (hot water bottles and layering over central heating) she quickly became a dedicated community member and worked extremely hard on a variety of projects, most notably event planning for Creek fest. As Marieke has now completed her internship, it’s time to head home to the Netherlands to complete her degree in international business. “I cannot think of a better community and city to be a part of. All the love and struggles that are shared by the people in North East Valley have built a better, safer place for everyone to live in. I have never been more proud than now, that I get to call the Valley my second home. All the residents that I’ve enjoyed spending time with and working for have been so supportive and interesting. Everyone I’ve met has a special place in my heart.”

A Huge thank you and farewell to Marieke, please don’t forget about your Valley whanau! —Tess Trotter