

Welcome to the North East Valley Community Directory - a website directory of businesses and community organisations in the Northern end of Dunedin city.  This directory serves as a free public resource that empowers community engagement, building connections across our corner of the earth consisting of Opoho, Normanby, Upper Junction, Liberton, Pine Hill, Dalmore, and of course, North East Valley. 

If you would like to be a part of the directory, simply click here to take you directly to the form. 

Sew On Period Care

At the moment we sew Tuesday nights from 6 to 9 at 11 Allen St.
Social Media

Sustainable Pads for People with Periods

This is an initiative kickstarted by Christine Keller. I would like to start a not-for-profit social enterprise which provides all the resources needed to encourage people with periods to switch from throw-away to reusable articles to manage their periods.
We also can work on environmentally friendly solutions for people with leakage issues.
• Safer products (100% cotton)
• flexible payments options or moneyless pad making through time donation
• minimal plastic use
• Reduce waste, reuse old materials Learn basic sewing
• A safe space to share experiences
• Remove stigma
• Create pads to suit your needs
What we can offer:
• Sewing machines, tools
• PUL layers and domes
• Pad patterns and know how
• Cotton materials
• A workshop and friendly atmosphere Sewing guidance
What we need:
• People who want to change wasteful and unhealthy period management
• People who enjoy sewing
• People who want to normalise periods and period talk
• People with some free time on their hand
• Volunteers who like to add to the project
Proudly brought to you by the Valley Project