

Welcome to the North East Valley Community Directory - a website directory of businesses and community organisations in the Northern end of Dunedin city.  This directory serves as a free public resource that empowers community engagement, building connections across our corner of the earth consisting of Opoho, Normanby, Upper Junction, Liberton, Pine Hill, Dalmore, and of course, North East Valley. 

If you would like to be a part of the directory, simply click here to take you directly to the form. 

Love to Speak

My vision is to help people like you love to speak. That may be in front of your peers, in front of a client, or externally in front of a conference audience. These are all situations where you may have to represent a business, community group or personal event and showcase your expertise or pitch ideas.

From a coaching perspective, no two people are the same. Who has the time to plan and prepare that presentation?

Creating a roadmap, having a toolkit of methods and approaches will dramatically improve your success. That roadmap will also help avoid procrastination and any thought that you could "wing it". The 5C’s of speaking - conviction, clarity, confidence, congruence, and charisma pollinate all aspects of your life. That is why developing your speaking skills is a smart investment.

I have taken a client from being petrified to receiving a standing ovation, but that is not the outcome most people like you are looking for. In my experience, most are simply wanting to speak with more confidence. They want their audience and colleagues' respect for the skills and knowledge they bring and to gain a sense of personal satisfaction for having done a good job. Progress, not perfection.

I provide coaching one-to-one or to groups of people tailored to the issues they face or for a specific project.
Proudly brought to you by the Valley Project